Last In Line

As Barack Obama’s historic presidency comes to a close, some argue that U.S. race relations are as tense as they were during Martin Luther King, Jr.’s era. “Last in Line” challenges this notion, suggesting that America never fully realized Dr. King’s vision. The book argues that modern disparities in U.S. justice, education, health care, and economics stem from longstanding social and legal norms that persisted after the Civil Rights Movement and have continued despite having had America’s first African American president.

“Last in Line” supports its arguments with research from government agencies, think tanks, and universities, presenting this data in a compelling narrative. The book guides readers through the experiences of Americans who have faced injustice in various forms. It also critiques mainstream theories about model minorities, affirmative action, and respectability politics in a unique, literary style.

In its conclusion, “Last in Line” advocates for twenty-first-century policies that aim to promote racial harmony and finally fulfill America’s long-deferred destiny.

By Jamal Mtshali


SKU AP124 Category